PBNR is skit comedy, social satire, and bleak futurism that seems all too real. These short scripted episodes bring you the latest news, weather, and special features aired ten years from now. You see, the PBNR radio station is able to bring you special broadcasts that have been sent back in time in order to alter the future. Join Chip Taggart, Buck Wheaton, and your host, Kurt Boswell every month for a new installment of absurd humor, parody, and science fiction.

The Nev Stream

Thursday-Saturday: 6pm
Join amateur video game livestreamer and wannabe college radio DJ Nevin Zehr as he makes his way through the canon of Rareware classics, plays some SoundCloud deep cuts, serves as a virtual bartender for the greater Harrisonburg metropolitan-statistical area, updates his vision board.

Podweaver Classic

In the before times of 2016, four friends got together and performed the dark rituals required to summon a new “Podular Broadcast” into this world. Podweaver Classic was the result. God have mercy on their souls…